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Creative industries are more important to the UK than ever. From tech to media and telecoms, the sector has flourished since the end of the financial crisis ten years ago, and grown at a rate that cannot be ignored. And this is set to continue, as creative industries continue to diversify their local economies and provide a much-needed boost during economic downturns.

In six of the UK's biggest cities (Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, Edinburgh, and Bristol) the creative sector’s compound annual growth rate has exceeded that of any other private sector industry at 9% since 2008, according to CBRE take-up figures.


Figure 1: CBRE英国创意城市,2017年和2018年比较(主要城市地区)

053_CREATIVE and Tech Industries_figure 01_graphic_746x746


世邦魏理仕(CBRE)最近还发布了对整个欧洲领先技术城市的新分析。我们的EMEA技术城市报告ranks London as the top technology cluster within the capital cities and business centres with high-tech employment of over 70,000 people in Europe.

Setting London aside, our2018 UK Creative Regions排名和EMEA Tech Cities reportshows that:

  • Manchester remains the leading UK regional creative talent market despite a decrease in its overall score. The city continues to attracts significant numbers to its creative and digital cluster
  • 伯明翰and Glasgow both pushed up the UK rankings. Birmingham performed particularly well, topping the rankings for the largest number of SMEs in the information and communications sector
  • Nottingham climbed five places due to an increase in the number of employees in information and communications. Likewise, in our wider European study, Nottingham/Derby came out ahead of the other European locations in their ‘Growth Cluster’ peer group, and has consistently achieved double digit growth in high-tech employment since 2010
  • 利兹在这个泛欧同行团体中也排名很高。该市被列为英国排名第六的最具创意地区,由于人口在学位级别及以上的人口上升,今年攀升了四个空间
  • Thames Valley是Tech Hotpots Reading的所在地,牛津和布拉克内尔(Bracknell),拥有许多传统科技公司,例如Microsoft,Vodafone和Oracle。阅读是唯一通过在我们研究中六个顶级景点中的每一个中确保其位置来破坏六大城市的唯一地点。与此同时,CBRE的欧洲研究表明,泰晤士河谷(Thames Valley)是领先的“超级集群”(Super Cluster),这是高科技工作在50,000至70,000之间的地点。

53_Creative and Tech industries_pullquote_270x127在伦敦的领导下,英国城市已经是欧洲技术生态系统的杰出力量,从就业,租赁和人才的角度来看。创意产业正在迅速发展和动态发展,正如我们在CBRE的两个方面所揭示的那样Occupier SurveyandPortfolio 2040报告,随着人才战争的继续加剧,它们对整个英国经济的重要性很明显。随着英国城市展望未来,他们将需要提供正确的激励措施,以吸引未来领导创意和科技行业所需的人才。

So, when CBRE comes to revise its rankings in 2040, we predict that the most prominent tech cities will be the ones that have adapted to attract and retained the talent this pioneering sector needs to maximise its success.

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我们城市中的人均房地产投资意味着,在未来20年内,较小的城市的表现将跑得优越 - 但城市政策制定者可能会影响结果。


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