Article | Creating Resilience


2022年12月9日5 Minute Read

ByToby Radcliffe

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概念Net zero carbon(NZC)正在改变英国房地产行业。监管环境,客户压力和绿色货币的重量都将行业推向了较低的碳排放量。这正在改变我们投资,建设和占领房地产的方式。

As the联合国生物多样性会议(COP 15) amplifies calls for binding targets to protect biodiversity and builds momentum for greater disclosure and regulation, the concept of ‘nature positive’ will also start to affect real estate.

“自然积极”被定义为从2020年的基线开始衡量自然损失,因此到2030年的恢复道路上可以测量自然,到2050年完全恢复。Here, nature represents both biodiversity and生态系统服务like the provision of clean air or the prevention of floods. Whether 2020 is an ambitious enough baseline, and exactly what recovery means and how it should be measured are important questions that we hope to see answered at COP 15.

自然积极的想法是,将生物多样性损害限制不够远。为了确保支持我们的经济和福祉的基本资源,例如食品和清洁水,据认为,必须越来越关注恢复受损的生态系统。Ecosystem restoration is also seen as a critical step towards achieving NZC.

But why does nature positive matter to UK real estate?

Consider the body of regulation, frameworks and certifications which have appeared alongside NZC and which have changed how we occupy, own and manage real estate.



For example, TNFD is a proposed risk management and disclosure framework aimed at helping organisations report and act on nature-related risks and opportunities, and support capital allocation towards companies that have nature-positive outcomes. TNFD is in development and would be voluntary when finalised. The similar Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)现在也从自愿框架开始,现在对于某些英国公司而言是必不可少的。TNFD会遵循同一课程并不是令人难以置信的英国政府(包括)正在为其发展提供资金。raybet开户

Science Based Targets Network (SBTN)

SBTN provides a framework for organisations to set measurable, actionable and time-bound science-based objectives for nature. SBTN is in development and would also be voluntary when finalised. The similar Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which focuses on cutting emissions,已成为黄金标准for judging the quality of corporate climate commitments and has over 3,000 businesses signed up globally.

Biodiversity net gain

在英国,Biodiversity net gainregulations represent an opportunity for real estate to make a tangible and measurable contribution to being nature positive. It is mandatory for new developments but can also be used voluntarily to measure baseline biodiversity across existing portfolios and set out actions to measurably improve biodiversity. It could represent a practical mechanism to report biodiversity action to frameworks like TNFD or SBTN.


Aligning real estate decisions with these frameworks as they develop will build resilience against future regulation. It will also attract capital flows increasingly concerned with ESG credentials. In the UK, incorporating biodiversity net gain appears to be a particularly useful tool to build this type of resilience.


CBRE can help clients develop their own nature positive strategy. Contact ourESG Consultancy teamto find out more.
