
如果您正在寻找蓬勃发展的卡姆登(Camden)的理想办公空间,CBRE可以提供广泛的库存 - 从灵活的协同工作或热门桌子安排到长期的私人服务办公室租金。CBRE拥有各种解决方案,可以量身定制包装,以满足您在伦敦北部年轻,创意自治市镇的需求。

维修式服务 - 牛空间-972x1296

Let Us Do The Hard Work

T:+44 20 7182 8686

Our extensive experience means we understand that you know what your business needs today, but equally that your needs can change over time. We can support you through the process from search to tenancy quickly and painlessly. From sourcing the right space for your business, to negotiating the best deal for you - and everything in between - we can help secure the right solution for you.


伦敦北部的这个北部自治市镇从菲茨罗维亚到郁郁葱葱的汉普斯特德·希思(Lush Hampstead Heath),充满了艺术场所,伦敦动物园和酒吧等艺术场所,例如伦敦动物园和酒吧。作为首都的长时间的Boho枢纽,卡姆登历史上一直是创意人的天堂。对灵活的工作空间的投资吸引了新的创业和新兴企业到该地区,该地区现在还拥有生物医学,技术和专业服务公司的商业居民。




卡姆登镇的北部,connects residents with The City at Bank and the West End at Leicester Square. It is just a couple of stops to Kings Cross, giving access to the north of the country, and St Pancras International, - home to the Eurostar – providing fast links to the continent. The proposed High Speed 2 railway line is intended to terminate at Camden’s third major rail terminal, Euston.

Camden is also served by multiple bus routes and overground services and has a borough-wide speed limit of 20 miles per hour to make the roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.