Article | Adaptive Spaces



经过Francesca Langton Kendall

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混合动力工作将留在这里,并且继续是CBRE客户的首要考虑。在最近的一个occupier survey,有72%的组织表示,他们正在朝着“混合工作场所”模型迈进,在公司指导的框架内,员工可以选择选择。在这种情况下,确保成功的“返回办公室”的需求意味着必须重新定义工作场所本身。目前,有69%的组织表示,他们将重新审视其工作场所设计标准,以反映这种新的工作方式 - 鼓励面对面的合作,偶然的相遇和面对面的会议以建立网络和关系。

The majority of workplace design changesfocus on enhancing collaborative and amenity spaces迎合“不能远程完成”的工作方面。但是,经常被忽视的东西是访问安静的空间的重要性,使员工专注,重新加油和集中精力。这对于更具内向的员工而言,这一点尤其重要,其中许多人在远程工作时蓬勃发展。这主要归因于他们对自己的工作环境有更多的控制权,尤其是在噪音和计划外的中断方面。对于具有感官敏感性的个人,返回具有更高比例的协作空间的办公室的前景可能不是很吸引人,并且实际上使其成为不可或缺的环境。

Considering the needs of the range of people who need to work within the office environment is at the heart of inclusive design. And, whilst the need for quiet spaces is clear for the subgroup of more introverted employees, or those have ‘sensory sensitivities’, if we only assign the benefit to this group, we would undervalue its importance for others. For example, while we can generalise the distribution of work to ‘focusing’ at home and ‘collaborating’ in the office, this is often not possible to do in practice. We also need to consider the disparity and variation of home working environments – just because someone is working from home, doesn’t mean this is the ideal space for quiet and focused working. Many workers contend with the likes of dogs, husbands, teenagers, the neighbour’s guitar-playing son or simply loud street traffic in more urban and densely populated environments – not to mention the endless Teams or Zoom notifications disturbing our concentration throughout the day.


Get in touch with our teamif you’d like to see our report on how and why organisations should ‘build belonging’ into their workplace strategy.
